Golfing at Traditions w/ Motts.
2:15 PM Jul 27th from Twitterrific
Back Nine 55.... Got some work to do.
4:54 PM Jul 27th from Twitterrific
Notice how that is where the tweets stop... In my quest to shoot a 90 in Golf I was already 10 over the pace coming off the back 9 at Traditions. In my defense the back 9 is harder then the front, but there is just no way I`m going to go 10 under on the front 9 and as it turned out I did far worse. I carded a 114 on the day. NOT what I needed for the ego or a confidence boost, but I am trying and somebody a million years old said that counts for something. Anyway, I`m not doing the list to try so I`ll work on it and get it done.
#77 - Do 250 Geocaches: (61/250) now (66/250) - 26.4% Complete
Got to Jens` late last night and had nothing to do until she got out of school today so I looked up some caches and there happen to be 7 FTF`s in Brooklyn. A FTF is a first to find. That means it has never been founf by anybody else yet. I set out and actually got 2 of them. My first two FTF`s. I also got 3 others, but the cords were wrong on one of them and I couldnt locate another one... Good Times! We will probably do some more this weekend, so I`ll keep you up to date!
Traditions Golf Course has won the battle but I will win the war...