Saturday, November 29, 2008

Day 16 Update

So I tried to run Google Analytics on my blog so I can see how many hits it was getting but I couldnt figure out the html code. And everytime I put it in the background color would change and I like the black... Anyway... I digress.

My buddy Bea told me he would show me how to put a progress bar on my site this week and I figured out how to use the picture feature too.. (it`s pretty easy) So #18 and #19 should be done by the end of the week. So thats good and it will keep me right on schedule. As always I am still working on #1... Thanksgiving got in the way of that one, but I am going to start my food journal on Monday (#9) and that should keep me from "cheating." Also, I forgot to update #71... Vote in every election... I voted for the first time on November 4th and I`m not going to get inot poitics but lets just say that I think the right man won!

I keep running into people in and around town that are telling me that they are working on lists or that I have inspired them to make a list... Let me know if you do and I will post a link to your site on mine... I need 5 of you to do it, but do not do it for me... do it for yourself.. and only do it if you are going to go all out!

Update over!


Friday, November 21, 2008

Day 8 Update

Well as promised I took down two more yesterday... well yesterday and today. I finished the 24hrs of fasting today at noon and I will tell you that it wasnt that bad. I guess the human body is pretty adaptive and that Survivor Guy goes like 4-5 days without food. How is that for a run-on sentence? Anyway 2 more down!

#87 - Fasting - You are my bitch!

I also took care of #88 - I got all the old files and pictures off my Old computer and you would be surprised to see how far computer have come in 8 years because my old desktop weights 14 lbs.. and is slow as shit! I remember it beiing slow but its like grandma-driving-on-the-highway-slow.

Anyway 8 days in and 4 down... Thats one every two days! Do NOT expect that pace to keep up but I am going to cross out everyone of these damn things!

More to follow...


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Day 6 Update

I am working on about 10 things right now... Most importantly #1 is going well..down about 12 lbs. So I am really excited about that! I am def going to have to step up the excercise next week as my diet gets a little less strict. I will tell you something though I have definitely noticed that my stomach has gotten smaller, I can def not eat as much anymore...
- Took the first step to doing #17 - Put Madarin Chinese on my Christmas List for Santa, I hope he knows the ins and outs of the internet
- I talked to my buddy Bea and he told me that he would help me with #18 and #19 since I all I know how to do is this right here!
- I have also recuited 2 people to start there lists as well(#101). I will let you know if and when they become official...
- I think tomorrow I am going to tackle #87!!!!!!!!!!! and If I`m feeling up to it #89 as well

Thats it for now!


Friday, November 14, 2008

Day 2 Update

Well It`s Day 2 and I have 2 down already. Yes they are the easiest two on the list but I am still kinda proud of myself.

70.) Buy a Moleskine - I went over to Borders and picked myself up a Moleskine and I also bought a Piccadilly food journal and I`m pretty sure they are the same company because they have the same exact layouts, the same stamp on the back and the same packaging.. Anyway its done... Time to write down some ideas and inventions so I can cross a couple more off the list

93.) Find My Passport - I let my Mom read my list and she informed me that she put my Passport in a safety deposit box for safe keeping! Good Stuff! Hopefully the travel comes soon, but I need to build up a bank roll first.

Details to Follow.


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Erik`s 101 in 1001

The Mission: Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria: Tasks must be specific (i.e., no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (i.e., represent some amount of work on your part).

...And away we go

For the Body
1.) Lose 40 Lbs. by Day 180
2.) Keep it off the Entire 1001
3.) Be able to do 10 Pull-Ups (Leave me alone)
4.) Be able to do 30 Push-Ups (again)
5.) Be able to do 40 Sit-Ups (again)
6.) Get an Eye Exam done and get new glasses
7.) Go to the Dentist at least 3 times
8.) Whiten Teeth
9.) Keep a Daily Food Journal for a Year
10.) Complete P90X 2x

For Jen
# 11 through #16
- I will let you know when they are completed -

17.) Learn Conversational Mandarin Chinese
18.) Learn How to Use This Blog
19.) Learn to put Pictures on this Blog
20.) Take a CPR Class
21.) Take a First Aid Class
22.) Learn 3 Songs on the Piano
23.) Take 3 Cooking Courses
24.) Learn 50 New Recipes

25.) Bungee Jumping
26.) The Penguin Plunge
27.) Take a Vodka Taste Test
28.) Drive a Race Car
29.) Start a Fire without a Match
30.) Hit a 90 in 18 Holes of Golf
31.) Sleep Under the Stars
33.) Go to The Olympics
34.) Go on all the RollerCoasters at Cedar Point
35.) Go on 10 of the Best 25 Roller Coasters in the World
36.) Go to 2 of 5 Best Parties in the World
37.) Go to 3 of the 5 Best Fireworks Displays in the US

For the Soul
38.) Donate Old Clothes
39.) Fulfill My Dads Dream
40.) Donate 1 Gallon of Blood
41.) Plant 25 Trees
42.) Donate 50 Malaria Nets

Travel Plans (Visit the Following)
43.) Block Island
44.) Nantucket
45.) Martha`s Vineyard
46.) Cape Cod
47) The OuterBanks
48.) San Francisco
49.) Napa Valley
50.) England
51.) Ireland
52.) Italy
53.) Canada (Yeah Big Deal I have Never Been to My HomeLand)
54.) China
55.) Japan

Making Money / Business Ideas
55.) Print Some T-Shirt Ideas
56.) Finish CW Logo
57.) Finish CW Site
58.) Have CW produce $10,00 in Revenue
59.) Patent Something
60.) Publish Something
61.) Create CookBook

Gadget and Widgets
62.) Apple Iphone
63.) Apple or Linux-Based Laptop
64.) A New Car
65.) Suzuki GSXR 750 (Guess That Could Go Under Experiences)
66.) A New Pair of Jeans
67.) A Mickey Mantle Mitchell and Ness Jersey
68.) A Mickey Mantle Rookie Card

To Do
69.) Send Johnny all his Stuff (maybe not ALL)
70.) Buy a Moleskine
71.) Vote in Every Election
72.) Read 50 Books
73.) See 25 Yankee Games
74.) Don`t Drink for a Month
75.) Pay off Credit Cards
76.) Save $5,000 for a House
77.) Do 250 Geocaches
78.) Hide 15 Geocaches
79.) Turn the Garage into a Gingerbread House for Christmas
80.) Get 100 people to View This Blog
81.) Brew My Own Beer
82.) Make R to Abercrombie
83.) Make R to the Nautilus
84.) Go 30 Days as a Vegetarian
85.) Do 8 Throwdowns
86.) Make a Quilt from my Old T-Shirts (is that too gay?)
87.) Fast for 24 Hours (easy with the fat-kid jokes) Completed Nov. 21, 2008
88.) Open a Beer Bottle with a Lighter
89.) Get all Old Documents and Pictures off My Marist Computer
90.) Send 35 Letters to Friends
91.) Take a Legit IQ test
92.) Go Mt. Biking 15 Times
93.) Find My Passport
94.) Go to Trivia Night at Hyde Park Brewery
95.) Do Something with Coaster Collection
96.) Get a Cactus and Keep it Alive
97.) Winterize and Keep Up with the Mustang
98.) Play More Poker
99.) Make a License Plate Map
100.) Make at least 5 Trips a Year to Visit Friends
101.) Encourage 5 people to Start a List Like this!