Well its been a very long time since I actually crossed something off the list, I am working on about 10 things, but I needed to accomplish one so I got up early and hardcore cleaned my room...
38.) Donate Old Clothes - Finally went through all my clothes and got the ones that I was not going to wear to Goodwill. I did some research on who I was going to give the clothes to and Goodwill checked out really well and they are local, so its a Win/Win. I also put some shirts and sweaters aside that I may be able to sell on ebay. I love doing that stuff and if I can make some cash then thats good too...
The other thing that this allowed me to do was to work on getting the shirts ready for the T-Shirt Quilt (#86). So I have a bunch of shirts that mean something to me and will shortly be doing some research on exactly how I go about making one of those things.
Well that is it for now, but I will be crossing off another one on Friday, but dont know if I will have the chance to share right away, you will understand when you see the post Sunday or Monday sometime...
I`ll change the progress bar and cross off #86.
Stay Tuned...
from: Erik Vincelette
10 years ago
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