#40 - Donate 1 Gallon of Blood (8 Pints): (1/8) - For all you math majors out there there are 8 Pints in a gallon and so I will do the countdown and tallying with pints. Each donation has to be at least 56 days apart.=, so I figured I had to start on it so I didn`t run out fo time. The technician told me that each donation can help to save up to 3 lives, so that is awesome! I am glad I went.

Also working on:
#77 - Do 250 Geocaches: (47/250) now (59/250) - 23.2% Complete
Jen and I did another 6 caches including one of our biggest nemeses. It was dreary out but we still had a good time, like always. I did 6 by myself when Jen was at Merries` Bridal Shower. I have to catch up with the logging on geocachers but I will do that as soon as finish off this post.
In Other News:
I moved and got my own apartment in Old Lyme. I am excited about it and will be starting a new diet, and excerise program on Monday as a part of the New Place - New Erik thing I am working on... I need to cross off soem of the things on the top of the list so push ups, crunches/sit ups and running are all a part of the plan. I will keep you updated. Monday includes the first run of the 8weeks to a 5k as well. So it`s going to be a busy week but it has to happen. Enough is enough!
I will leave you as I always do:
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